Are you tired of trying for Google AdSense approval and still not succeeding? This is a very common problem faced by many new and expert bloggers. There are a few common mistakes that you also might make and that becomes the reason for rejection by Google AdSense again and again.

But after reading this guide about common reasons for website rejection by AdSense you can solve all your errors and can get Google AdSense approval easily.

Reasons for Website Rejection by AdSense

  1. Unauthorized Website
  2. Violation of Terms of Use or Policies
  3. Poor Optimization for Displaying AdSense Ads
  4. Not Having Legal Pages
  5. Copied Content and Visuals

1- Unauthorized Website

You must own the website which is applying for Google AdSense approval. Yes, you have to prove that by adding the Google AdSense code in the head section of your website. If you don’t know how to add the code, read our guide on How To Add Google AdSense Verification Code To WordPress.

In this guide, we explained step-by-step with images so you can easily understand the process.

What Is The Solution?

You must have admin access to the website if you’re working for a client. And if you own the website then its good to go.

2- Violation of Terms of Use Or Policies

As we know Google AdSense has very strict terms of use and policies that every publisher has to follow if they want to display ads on their blogs. The main reason for AdSense rejection is the violation of Google AdSense terms and policies. You can be banned even if you get approval if you violate the terms and use your AdSense.

So the thing is you have to follow the rules and policies of AdSense at all costs.

What Is The Solution?

The best thing to overcome this error is to read the Google AdSense official guide documentation and understand everything about AdSense. Read all the policies so you will never violate any policy in the future as well.

3- Poor Optimization for Displaying AdSense Ads

You need to work on this step before and after approval.

If you are applying for Google AdSense approval then you have to think about the design, look and feel of your blog again. Your website must be user-friendly, that’s what Google expects from bloggers. If you go to the homepage of Balti Bloggers we try to make it easily accessible to all content.

What Is The Solution?

Design your blog professionally. If you can afford then hire a designer and make a good design for your blog. Otherwise, at least try to make the blog user-friendly. This will not only help you to get AdSense approval but also help in ranking in Google.

4- Not Having Legal Pages

You must have a few pages on your website where you need to mention the use of data, cookies, and other things. These are a few important pages for Google AdSense.

  • About Us
  • Contact Us
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Disclaimers
  • DMCA

What Is The Solution?

Create all the legal pages before applying for Google AdSense. You can use any free online tool to generate these pages.

5- Copied Content and Visuals

If you are just copying others’ content and publishing on your blog and trying to get approval by AdSense then you are only wasting your time. You will never get approval with this kind of practice.

Google AdSense approval is highly based on content. You need to provide high-quality unique content by yourself. As we mentioned earlier in this post Google AdSense policies are very strict and bloggers have to follow them at any cost. You can read the official documentation of Google AdSense here.

What Is The Solution?

Do not steal others’ content, images, or videos and publish them on your website. This is not a good practice legally and morally. And most importantly if you are planning to monetize your website with AdSense you will never get approval. So produce your own content, and make your own visuals. You can tools like Canva, and Photoshop to make stunning images within minutes.

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