If you are new to Google AdSense but want to apply and get approval then there are certain eligibility requirements for AdSense that you need to know before applying. In this post, we will share everything crucial to know about Google AdSense, and these are also a few important points that can help you decide whether your site is eligible for AdSense.

What Is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is an advertising platform backed by the tech giant Google that allows publishers and content creators to monetize and show ads on their websites/blogs and YouTube videos and they will get paid by Google. This is a very famous method today to make online from the internet.

Businesses that run ads to get clients online run ads and pay Google. Google will display the ads to its users through publisher’s websites and YT Videos. And the revenue will be shared with both Google and the creators. (We will discuss how much is shared between Google and publishers in a while).

How Does Google AdSense Work?

Google AdSense uses an auction system to show ads on websites and videos. Publishers who are running ads using Google Ads are bidding on keywords on which they want to show their ads. There are many other things that Google takes into consideration to display ads on websites. We will discuss them also in this Google AdSense Ultimate guide.

Eligibility Requirements for AdSense In 2024

  • Minimum 18 Years Old
  • You Own The Site
  • Publish Unique and Original Content
  • Make Navigation Clear and Should Not Be Broken Link
  • Follow all Google AdSense Content Policies
  • Supported Language
  • Legal Pages
  • Site Age
  • Have Some Organic Traffic

#1- Minimum 18 Years Old

According to Google AdSense eligibility criteria, the one requesting approval must be above 18 years old. This statement is pretty simple and straightforward to understand. The reason is that you have to provide your legal ID which is issued by the government for every citizen no matter which country they are belonging. You need to submit those documents for verification purposes to get paid from Google AdSense.

If you are below 18 then obviously you will not have those documents. If you are creating a Google AdSense account with your name then you need to provide all the required documents as proof at a certain stage before paying once you complete the amount threshold which is $100.

So, apply only if you meet this eligibility requirement of Google AdSense.

If you are not above 18 then you can apply with the name of your parents or any other relatives. But again you have to provide the details which we discussed above.

#2- You Own The Site

You can only request Google AdSense approval if you own the website or have full control of the website. Because while you are applying again you need to prove that you have access to the website.

Google AdSense will provide you a script that you need to paste in the <head>head</head> section of your website. You can only place the code if you have full access to the blog/website.

Sometimes it can happen that you are applying on behalf of someone else. In such cases again you need to have full control and access to the website.

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#3- Publish Unique and Original Content

You cannot copy or steal others’ content and publish it on your website to get Google AdSense approval. To approve your website with Googe AdSense original and unique content play a key role.

No matter the topic of your website if the topic is AdSense friendly you have to do your own research and write unique, helpful, and original content around that topic.

Google AdSense will never give approval on copied, spun, or AI-generated content.

#4- Make Navigation Clear and Should Not Be Borken Link

Navigation should be clean and clear on your website. If you have navigation at the top make it clear and user-friendly. Use such colors which can make a clear difference between the background of your website and the text color.

While reviewing many sites we noticed that they do not use clear color combinations which creates confusion in understanding the content of the website. This kind of mistake will create problems in the approval process. You can also choose color combinations from online color picker tools or consult a designer who is an expert in this.

#5- Follow all Google AdSense Content Policies

This is also pretty self-explanatory that you have to follow all the Google guidelines to get approval. Before applying read the complete terms and policies of Google AdSense.

The approval process is not very difficult if you are following the guidelines provided by Google AdSense. You can also watch videos on Google AdSense’s official YouTube Channel.

#6- Supported Language

There are almost 50 languages supported by Google AdSense which means you can create a blog or a website in these languages that can be approved by Google AdSense. But if your website language is not falling in any of this language then you can’t get the approval at all. So make sure that you are writing content in a supported language.

You can check the list of Google AdSense Supported Languages here.

#7- Legal Pages

These pages must be present on your blog before applying for AdSense.

  1. Contact Us
  2. About Us
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Terms and Conditions
  5. Disclaimers

These are also called legal pages or important pages. The content on these pages tells Google about your website, the user’s data their usage, and everything. Without these pages, you cannot get your site approved by Google.

#8- Site Age

This is not officially written anywhere but based on our experience it always matters. Your site age should be at least one month. Having an old site shows that you are serious with your website and with your audience and you are continuously producing quality content for them.

#9- Have Some Organic Traffic

This is not again written officially anywhere. But this can be helpful in the approval process if you have good organic traffic on your website.

Google AdSense approval is possible with no traffic also but having traffic can make the approval process faster which we always experience with our own blogs

Google AdSense vs. Google Ads

Google AdSense and Google Ads are two different products of Google. Google AdSense is for publishers who want to monetize their websites and videos on YouTube and display ads to get paid. And on the other hand, Google Ads formerly known as Google Adwords is a platform where publishers create their accounts to run ads. Advertisers create their ads here.

How to Get Started with Google AdSense?

  • Create an AdSense Account
  • Set Up Your Account
  • Submit Your Site for Approval

Create an AdSense Account

To get started with Google AdSense the very first thing you need to do is to Sign-Up for a Google AdSense account which is completely free. All you need is a Gmail ID. Go to this link and create an account.

Fill out all the basic details given on the Sign Up page and complete the registration process.

Set Up Your Account

When you are creating your first Google AdSense account you need to fill in some details. These details include payment details, your address, etc. You can skip them for later or fill them at the same time.

Submit Your Site for Approval

Once you complete the registration process you can now add your website in Google AdSense and send for approval.

To add a website in AdSense follow these steps.

Step 1:

  • Open your Google AdSense account and go to the Sites tab
  • Click on New Site
  • Enter your website URL
  • Copy the code and paste it into the head section of your website
  • Click on the verified site. Google AdSense will check and verify if the code is correctly placed or not. Once it is confirmed send it for review.
  • It will take 2-4 weeks to get a reply from Google AdSense.
  • You can check the approval status in the Google AdSense sites section and also you will receive an Email from AdSense about the approval or rejection.

Tips To Get Google AdSense Approval Fast

Here are tips to get quick AdSense approval.

  1. Create Important Pages
  2. Make Navigation Easy and user-friendly
  3. Do not apply with a new domain.
  4. Sufficient Content on the blog
  5. Original and High-Quality Content
  6. Write consistently
  7. Avoid YMYL (Your Money Your Life) Niches
  8. Get organic traffic
  9. Follow all other Google AdSense rules

Pros and Cons of Google AdSense

Pros of Google AdSenseCons of Google AdSense
Ease of Use: Google AdSense is easy to set up and beginners-friendly. Anyone can get started with Google AdSense as a beginner.Revenue Share: The main cons of Google AdSense is the revenue sharing model. The CPC Cost Per Click bid by the advertiser will be shared between the publishers and Google.
Reliability: The platform is reliable because it is backed by Google.Strict Rules: With time Google AdSense is making strict rules. Now Google AdSense approval is not as easy as it was a few years ago. This is because of the increasing scams by publishers by clicking on ads on their websites to make money in illegal ways. These rules and regulations are also important.
Targeted Ads: Due to the strong algorithm by Google, AdSense shows targeted ads on your website that can give you more clicks on the ads and more revenue.Negative Effect on Website Speed: To display ads on the website after approval AdSense will provide you the ad code that we need to place on our website. Because the code is a complete JavaScript code that affects the website speed. You can write a rule to execute the JavaScript code later after the webpage is fully loaded. This can improve the website speed.
Customization: You can customize the ads while creating. You can choose the size, color fonts, etc of the ad before saving it.Dependence On Organic Traffic On The Website: You can make a handsome amount of money if you have good traffic coming from search engines organically.
Revenue Opportunities: AdSense offers a variety of ad formats, including display, text, and video ads, which can be optimized for mobile and desktop platforms, potentially increasing revenue.Payment Threshold: You need to complete the payment threshold to get paid by AdSense every month. The minimum payment threshold is $100. If your account is created in any other country you can just convert the $100 into your own country’s currency and that will be the minimum payment threshold.
Wide Range of Ad Formats: There are multiple ad formats AdSense offers. We already have a detailed guide on Google Ad Formats that you can check.Account Suspension Risk: Your Google AdSense account can be suspended anytime by Google if you are not following the rules and regulations. If you violate policies of Google AdSense you will lose your account within minutes.
Monthly Payment (On completing the payment threshold): You can withdraw the amount every month if you are completing the minimum amount threshold in your Google AdSense account.

FAQs About Eligibility Requirements for AdSense

  1. How long does Google AdSense take to approve?

    We don’t know the exact time. But as per the last update by Google AdSense, they make the process faster. Whether your site will approve or reject you will receive an answer faster within a few days only.

  2. What if I am not above 18 years old to apply for AdSense?

    You need to wait or you can apply with the family name of a person in your family member who is above 18 and meets the AdSense requirement.

  3. Is there any way to get AdSense without owning a website?

    If you want to earn with the blog then you must own a website/blog which you apply for AdSense. But there are ways you can earn with AdSense without a website which is to create a YouTube channel and monetize it.

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