We all know that the threshold amount in Google AdSense for withdrawal is $100 which means you can only withdraw the amount from Google AdSense when you complete $100. You cannot withdraw less than this amount but yes you can if the amount is larger than $100. The current can be different in your Google AdSense account based on your location and the country where you created your Google AdSense account. But still, the amount will be the same and you need to convert the $100 into your country’s current to check if you are meeting the threshold.

In this post, we are going to discuss all the tips and tricks on how you can get approval with Google AdSense and complete the minimum threshold easily and quickly.

We already covered many topics about Google AdSense so if are need any other guide about Google AdSense then you can go through our all articles where you can find solutions for all kinds of errors about Google AdSense.

How To Make First $100 With Google AdSense?

  1. Set Up Your Website/Blog
  2. Choose a Niche
  3. Create Quality Content
  4. Sign Up for Google AdSense
  5. Drive Traffic to Your Site

1- Set Up Your Website/Blog

We are discussing making money with Google AdSense by making a blog/website.

To start your AdSense journey you need to create a blog where you can publish content, users will visit the blog to read the content and solve their issues or to get any information that you are sharing. You can monetize that traffic with Google AdSense.

To start a blog all you need is:

  • Register a domain name
  • Purchase a hosting
  • Connect the domain and hosting
  • Install WordPress on it (Because WP is easy)
  • Make your blog live and start publishing quality content

Setting up a website with WordPress is very easy and you can do that in a couple of minutes. Because all the hosting providers are allowing their users to install WordPress in a single click. To do that there is no need for any technical knowledge or coding knowledge.

2- Choose a Niche

This step should be decided before purchasing a domain actually.

What Is A Niche?

Niche is actually the topic on which you are going to blog. It can be any topic like animals, SEO, vehicles, sports, etc.

The only thing you need to consider before choosing a niche is to make sure that you are not choosing a niche that is not supported by Google AdSense.

Choosing a niche can be a separate topic and should be explained in a separate article.

3- Create Quality Content

Once you finalize your niche the next step is to start creating content around that niche/topic.

Creating great content is the only key to success and making a good amount of money with Google AdSense.

But you might be thinking about the topics to cover.

You can use tools like AHREFS, SEMRush, MOZ, etc to find those keywords with high search volume with low competition. Because you are not the only one who is making content.

So the best way is to find low-competition keywords to target so you can rank easily in Google and other search engines.

You can also use Keywords Everywhere to evaluate your SEO game. Keywords Everywhere is one of the finest keyword research tools used by millions of bloggers around the world to find long-tail keywords and keyword search volume. All you need to do is install the Keywords Everywhere Chrome Extension.

4- Sign Up for Google AdSense

The next step is to Sign-Up for a Google AdSense account.

Before creating an account on Google AdSense there are many things that you should consider to get the Google AdSense approval easily without rejections.

You can read our Pre-AdSense Checklist in which we mention all the important steps, tips, and tricks for AdSense approval.

Do not apply for AdSense before posting 30+ high-quality articles on your blog. AdSense approval is based on the content of your blog. If you re-apply with low-quality articles and less number of articles you will get a Google AdSense Low-Value Content Error which is a very common error bloggers face when they apply for approval.

Application Process

  • Sign up for a Google AdSense account
  • Submit your website for review
  • Once approved, you’ll receive an AdSense code to place on your site
  • Google will start displaying relevant ads on your site

5- Drive Traffic to Your Site

This is the most important step in completing your first $100 with Google AdSense.

Google AdSense publishers for clicks and impressions. You will get those clicks and impressions when users visit your website. You need traffic on your website.

To get free organic traffic from Google and other search engine you need to do proper SEO Search Engine Optimization of your blog. Apart from SEO, you can also do content marketing and Email marketing to drive more traffic to your website.

You can use social media platforms to drive traffic to your website as well.

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