Earning with Google AdSense but not satisfied with the CPC Cost Per Click and looking for a solution to increase AdSense CPC to boost your earnings?

The only solution to this is to optimize the ads on your website. Yes, you can optimize the ads in many ways which we will discuss in a while.

In this post, we are going to share 6 proven methods to increase AdSense CPC that you can adopt and apply to your Google AdSense-approved blog that can increase the CPC. We have been using Google AdSense for a long time and in this period we tested and learned multiple things about how we can increase the CPC and make more money online.

What Is AdSense CPC?

CPC Stands for Cost Per Click which refers to the amount of money you will receive when a visitor clicks an ad on your website which is monetized with Google AdSense.

What is Adsense CTR?

AdSense CTR is the percentage of users clicking on the ads on your website.

There is also CTR you can see in your Google Search Console account, do not get confused between these two. The meaning is actually the same for both but the only difference is that AdSense CTR is the percentage of clicking on ads and the normal CTR is the percentage of clicking from search engines.

How To Increase AdSense CPC

1- Niche Selection

The main thing that can make a major difference in Google AdSense CPC is the niche. The earning of AdSense directly depends on the niche you have chosen. Not all the niches are paying you the same CPC.

I recommend you to read our previous guide on How To Find Google AdSense High CPC Keywords in which we explained how to find highly paid CPC keywords for Google AdSense.

2- Choose Profitable Keywords For Blog Articles

Once you finalize the niche your next step will be finding keywords on which you can create content and publish on your website.

But wait!

Do you know that there are huge differences in CPC in the same niche? Yes, you read it correctly.

For example, you find a niche that has a high CPC niche. But it doesn’t mean that all the keywords related to that niche can also be high CPC keywords. This is what you need to find.

To find the right keyword you can use tools like AHREFS, SEMRush, MOZ, and Google Keyword Planner tool, etc. These tools will give you the minimum and maximum CPC idea, and based on that ideas you can finalize the high CPC keywords.

Note: To make a typical authority site you need to cover all the keywords in your niche. Do not ignore any keyword just for the sake of increasing CTR. Covering all topics can rank your website much better.

3- Content Is Always The King

Yes, content is still the king.

You need to generate quality content that actually helps readers and solve their queries. Creating great content can help in the success of your blog in many ways not only in increasing the CPC.

The content that you publish on the website should show your expertise and experience in the specific niche in which you are blogging. This will increase the trust of your blog among your readers and they will re-visit your blog for reading more content. This thing is noticed by Google. Also, creating quality content can increase the user experience and increase the users spending time on your blog and that is the major rating factor. This can increase the overall ranking of your website as well.

Better ranking means more traffic and more revenue.

4- Block Low CPC Ad Categories

You can check all the ad categories from your Google AdSense account in the reports section.

Google AdSense allows you to block categories that you do not want to show on your website. If you are not OK with some categories you can just block them and those category ads will never shown on your blog.

You need to check which category is paying the more and less. And, turned off the low CPC categories.

5- Users Location

One of the major things about Google AdSense’s high CPC is the location of your visitors. You can not expect the same CPC for a visitor from the USA, UK, and visitors from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc.

Yes, there will be a big difference in the CPC you will get based on the location.

Here you can increase the CPC by targeting visitors in the premium countries.

To target those countries you need to again perform extensive keyword research and find those keywords on which you can rank in these countries where the CPC is high. You can read more about Keyword Research in our guides.

6- Ad Placement

You cannot ignore the ad placements. This will also directly affect the CPC and your earnings.

Check where are you showing the ads on a webpage. It should be at some place where the users can see when they open the page and they also should be easily clickable. If you show ads only in the footer, sometimes the user doesn’t scroll and leaves the side. Then you can not get anything even for an impression will not be counted.

The best ad placement is to display a sticky ad in the sidebar because this ad will be there all the time even if the user scrolls the page up and down.

Another ad you need to insert between the content. Here you can add the number of ads based on the length of the content.

One more ad you can show in the header but without disturbing the layout of your blog.

Final Words About Increasing AdSense CPC

You can increase both the AdSense CPC and CTR easily by just following the basic tips and tricks we shared in the above guide. You need to do a continuous experiment on these tips and also set a tracking to check which method is working is which is not working.

Once you find the working method stick with that and optimize that to increase the CPC and take it to the next level.

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