Here is a Pre-AdSense checklist for those who are planning to create a blog or already created a blog and want to make money online with Google AdSense. As we know Google AdSense needs to be approved on your website first then you can add the code on your website to display ads. But the AdSense Approval process is getting struck day by day and bloggers are facing critical issues in Google AdSense Approval in 2024.

To make the approval process easy for bloggers we are sharing a Pre-AdSense Checklist in which we listed all those important points that play a vital role in the approval process.

We applied all these points on our personal blogs before applying for Google AdSense and we got approval within days every time. You can also follow these steps.

Pre-AdSense Checklist 2024

  1. Don’t Ignore Google Guidelines
  2. Optimize Website Speed
  3. Mobile-Friendly Design
  4. Website Theme
  5. Legal Pages
  6. Quality Content
  7. Number of Posts
  8. Domain Age
  9. Site Navigation
  10. Do not try to be over-smart with AdSense
  11. Consistency

#1- Don’t Ignore Google Guidelines

If you want to get Google AdSense Approval in 2024 then this is the first thing you need to understand that you can not ignore AdSense guidelines. You need to follow the guidelines of AdSense and create content based on the guidelines. You can read the official AdSense guidelines here.

#2- Optimize Website Speed

Check your website speed and optimize the speed. If your website is loading fast then users will not stay on your website for a longer time and the bounce rate of your website will increase which will directly affect the ranking of your website.

But this is a pre-adsense checklist so we will discuss how the website speed will affect the Google AdSense approval process. You need to understand the role of Google here. Google always gives priority to the users who are coming from its search engine and Google always try to give them the best user experience.

If your website is not loading fast then it might create a problem in AdSense approval.

How To Check The Website Loading Speed?

You can use free online tools to check the page loading time of your blog and also you these tools will also give you the details about where you need improvement and which areas are performing well.

  • Google Page Speed Insights
  • GTMetrix
  • Pingdom Speed Test
  • Core Web Vital in Google Search Console

#3- Mobile-Friendly Design

If you are using a CMS like WordPress then all the modern WordPress Themes are mobile responsive and you do not need to worry about that. But if your website is custom-coded or built on any other CMS System you need to check the responsiveness of your blog. You can freely check it from online tools.

A good design blog can be more user-friendly which is also recommended by Google and other search engines. Having a good design can also make your website memorable for users and they will visit your blog again if they like. Also, they might be referred to others. This can be a great way of free marketing and a free traffic source for you at the same time.

Google AdSense also recommends having a clean design that can be opened on any device without having a layout shift and also the blog should be responsive on all devices.

Additionally, a mobile-friendly website design is a ranking factor for all search engines and if you are relying on SEO to get traffic on your blog then you have to follow this even if you are not interested in Google AdSense.

#4- Website Theme

Before applying for Google AdSense make sure that you are using a simple, user-friendly easy to navigate, and responsive on your website. As we mentioned earlier WordPress CMS makes things easier for bloggers that’s why WordPress is always the first choice of bloggers.

#5- Legal Pages

There are a few legal pages that are crucial to create on the website and mention them in the top navigation of your blog.

These are the important pages for Google AdSense approval in 2024.

  1. About Us
  2. Contact Us (with a form)
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Terms and Conditions
  5. Disclaimers
  6. DMCA

You need to create all these pages and display them in the main navigation before applying for AdSense.You can remove them from the top menu later once you get the approval.

#6- Quality Content

“Content is the King”

You might heard the above line and it is 100% true, especially in blogging and SEO. Google AdSense checks the content first and then other points. If your content is not good you will never get approval. No matter how much effort you are putting into making other things good on your blog.

So you need to focus on the content first and then improve other important things in your blog.

Quality content means you can not copy someone else content, you can not scrap content from the web and you have to write your own unique and quality content that is helpful for users.

#7- Number of Posts

The number of posts on a blog is another major factor in AdSense Approval. Make sure you have a minimum of 25-30 posts on your blog before applying. Here I want to mention that we got approval on only 7 articles also. But the more articles you have on the website the chances of approval increase.

#8- Domain Age

If your domain age is not more than 1 month do not apply for AdSense. Wait for at least one month and work on publishing great content. Your domain age is a trust factor for Google.

#9- Site Navigation

If you have some experience with Google AdSense you might know about the error called Site Behavior: Navigation Error.

Having a clear navigation on your blog plays a vital role in approval. This will affect the user experience on your blog. User behavior plays a very important role in both Google AdSense approval and also in search ranking on Google. Do not ignore this part if you want to run a successful blog in 2024.

#10- Do Not Try To Be Over-Smart With AdSense

Always follow the guidelines of Google AdSense to get approval instead of doing the wrong things. We saw many videos and blogs on the internet in which they are misguiding new bloggers about approval. Even if you will get approval by doing such fishy things your AdSense account will be banned after some time. This kind of work will not stay for the long term.

#11- Consistency

Last but not the least is consistency. You might get rejected a few times from Google AdSense but if you are consistent with it you will definitely get the approval after some time. Do not give up with 1-2 times rejection.

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