SEO Roadmap by Balti Bloggers is a definitive Guide for beginners who want to learn SEO in the age of Artificial Intelligence AI. This Search Engine Optimization Roadmap can guide you to land a job after a few months.

SEO Roadmap 2024 (How to Build an SEO Roadmap)

SEO Roadmap

If you want to get better at SEO, starting can feel a bit overwhelming. That’s where our SEO Roadmap comes in.

It’s like a map that helps you every step of the way—from learning the basics to tackling the more tricky parts.

This roadmap shows you how to pick the right keywords, make your website better for visitors, and get more links pointing to your site.

No matter if you’re just beginning or trying to improve what you already know, this SEO Roadmap makes it easier to see where you’re going and how to get there. It’s all about making your website stand out and do well, and we’re here to help you make that happen.

How Do Search Engines Work?

Introduction To SEO

SEO Terminologies

Google Updates & Policies

Other Search Engines

On Page SEO

Off Page SEO

Technical SEO

Local SEO

White Hat SEO

Modern SEO

White Hat SEO

Gray Hat SEO




Custom Website

Website Structure

Website Speed

WordPress Themes Basic

WordPress Themes Basic

Basic WordPress Customization

Understanding Keywords

Types of Keywords

Keyword Relevance

Keyword Discovery

Keyword Tools

Keyword Metrics

Keyword Strategies

Refining Keywords

Types of Keywords

Search Intent

Competitor Analysis

Brainstorming Keywords

Using Keyword Research Tools

Search Volume

Keyword Difficulty

Cost-per-Click (CPC)

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Keyword Clustering

Seed Keywords

Short Tail Keywords

Long-Tail Keywords

Seasonal Trends

Content Gap Analysis

Integrating Keywords into Content

HTML Basics for SEO

Title Tags

Meta Descriptions

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

Content Optimization

Keyword Optimization

Content Quality

Content Freshness

URL Structure

SEO-Friendly URLs

Canonical URLs

Image Optimization

Alt Text

File Names

Image Compression

User Experience (UX)

Site Navigation

Mobile Responsiveness

Page Speed

Internal Linking

Link Structure

Anchor Text

Structured Data Markup

Schema Markup

Microdata, JSON-LD, and RDFa

Hreflang Tag

Robots Meta Tag

Avoiding Over-Optimization

Adhering to Webmaster Guidelines

SEO Plugins for CMS